Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Shoe Horn Sonata - 958 Words

The Shoe Horn Sonata- The Shoe Horn Sonata provides an insight into the lives of two women who were made prisoners of war by the Japanese and explores the little known and horrific conditions and events the women endured. With the use of distinctively visual techniques, John Misto brings Bridie and Sheila’s experience vividly to life. Through the use of projected images, sound, music and symbolism; the horrors of war, survival and resilience are portrayed throughout the drama. Misto uses an array of projected images on stage to illustrate the horrors of war to the audience. The photographs projected behind the women, as they retell their struggles, supports their stories by transporting them and the audience back into the past and†¦show more content†¦Although a humorous part in the play, it displays their wants and needs for survival. As the women form a choir within the camp, the shoehorn takes on an essential role in the women’s existence. It is used as a metronome, driving the music, lifting the spirits of each woman and emotionally allowing them to rise above the deprivation and horror around them. This notion is enhanced with the dialogue â€Å"together we made this glorious sound that rose above the camp – above the jungle – above the war – rose and rose and took us with it. Fifty voices set us free†. Most predominantly the shoe horn becomes a symbol of the pain and shame Sheila held for 50 years and the s acrifice she was willing to make in order to save a friends life. Once the shoe horn is returned to Bridie, it becomes a symbol of the women’s redemption of friendship and whipes out the pain and suffering they both had felt since the completion of the war. The symbolism throughout the drama portrays to the audience that in various situations the women used what they had in order to survive and carry on with their lives. Misto uses distinctively visual techniques through the drama to portray to the audience the experiences and feelings Bridie and Shelia felt throughout their tribulation. With the use of projected images, sound effects, music and symbolism, Misto displays the horrors of war, resilience and survival tactics of the women and aims at strengthening the knowledge and appreciation of the women whoShow MoreRelatedShoe-Horn Sonata1248 Words   |  5 Pagestechniques such as body language, symbolism, lighting, music and photographic background slides create distinctively visual images same with themes that are being used within the texts such as truth which is evident in the dramatic text ‘The Shoe-Horn Sonata’ by John Misto, the song ‘Lose Yourself’ sang by Eminem, and the film ‘The Eye’ directed by David Moreau and Xavier Palud featuring Jessica Alba. These three texts demonstrate how the responders are impacted and what is interrupted within theRead MoreShoe Horn Sonata1775 Words   |  8 PagesPAPER 2 SECTION 2 Practice Essay Module B The Shoe- Horn Sonata *** â€Å"The Shoe- Horn Sonata† is a play by John Misto that gives an insight into two lives of two female POWs in WW II and is a vector of Misto’s thoughts. It explores the little known and often terrible events associated with female prisoners of war. The play follows a friendship of two women through the war to a point of tension that’s beyond what any normal friendship would have to deal with. Misto engages his audience by using a multitudeRead MoreThe Shoe Horn Sonata Analysis1102 Words   |  5 PagesJohn Misto, the creator of the Australian play ‘The Shoe-Horn Sonata’ used distinctly visual techniques to highlight the past distinctive experiences during World War II, shared by two friends, Sheila and Bridie. Through the use of powerful dialogue, and engaging dramatic techniques, Misto explores, through their testimonies, the untold story of hundreds and thousands of women imprisoned by the Japanese in South East Asia. Misto features the play ar ound the recounts and flashbacks of Bridie, anRead MoreShoe Horn Sonata Essay1099 Words   |  5 PagesShoe Horn Sonata: In Misto’s play contrast is a powerful dramatic device. Describe its use in the Shoe Horn Sonata. â€Å"Shoe Horn Sonata is an impressive story of courage, hope, horror and friendship. This play is a tribute to commemorate the bravery of the women and to make their story of survival widely known. The historical context that the story has enables us to learn about the past events and to understand the true meaning of war and its consequences. The play draws on real events, the MassacreRead MoreShoe Horn Sonata the Send Off1149 Words   |  5 PagesDistinctively Visual Essay – Shoe Horn Sonata The Send Off In John Misto’s play ‘The Shoe-Horn Sonata’ (1996) and the poem ‘The Send-Off’ written by Wilfred Owen distinctively visual techniques are used to explore past experiences of war and individuals and society’s perceptions. These concepts are conveyed and explored through the use of distinctively visual techniques such as visual and aural imagery, stage directions and dialoged. In ‘The Shoe-Horn Sonta’ distinctly visual techniquesRead MoreDistinctly Visual: Shoe Horn Sonata Supplementary Text1426 Words   |  6 Pagesdistinctly visual leads us to think about significant issues in our world. Do you agree? In your response make detailed reference to distinctly visual qualities of The Shoe-Horn Sonata and ONE other text of your choosing. Many composers use various techniques in which they communicate the distinctly visual. John Misto’s ‘The Shoe-Horn Sonata’ and Alexander Kimel’s ‘The Action in the Ghetto of Rohatyn, March 1942’ represent significant issues in our world by using various literary and dramatic techniquesRead MoreShoe Horn Sonata Distinctive Visual Essay example856 Words   |  4 PagesDistinctively visual texts use a variety of techniques to convey the experiences during the war. In John Misto’s 1996 play ‘The Shoe-Horn Sonata’ which is about women nurses enduring Japanese POW camps, such distinctive experiences as power and survival are shown through techniques like lighting, projecting image, sound, symbols, dialogue and body language. In Kenneth Slessor’s 1942 poem ‘Beach Burial’ he also comments about survival in war and the power in distinctively visual waysRead MoreShoe Horn Sonata Distinctively Visual Themes1487 Words   |  6 PagesDistinctively Visual Image Page 52 â€Å"On the other side of our barbed wire fence were twenty or thirty Aussie men – as skinny as us – and wearing slouch hats. Unlike the Japs, they had hairy legs. And they were standing in rows – serenading us.† John Misto created a written visual image that comes through in Act 1 Scene 7 (Page 52). This is brought up in the play when Bridie and Sheila are being interviewed by Rick (Host), they were originally talking about the conditions that they were in, how theyRead MoreShoe-Horn1375 Words   |  6 Pagesinterpretation, and visualising a text requires the responder to interpret all of the images presented. The text Shoe-Horn Sonata by John Misto first appears as a play about two friends restoring their relationship after 50 years apart, however, realistically it also implies that war is a futile and horrendous experience. It is the combination of techniques in the Shoe-Horn Sonata that allows the viewer to see the different aspects of the text. John Misto uses traditional dramatic techniques suchRead MoreEnglish Essay1042 Words   |  5 Pagesthe audience is able to be exposed to the intense illustrations exemplified by composers. Spudvilla’s portrayal of â€Å"Woolvs in the sitee† demonstrates the child’s inability to reconcile with himself. Contrasting to this notion; the playwright â€Å"Shoe-horn Sonata† to expose the brutal reality of POW camps during WWII. Therefore, distinctively visual forces the audience to succumb to the barriers society creates. It is through distinctively visual representations and graphic depiction that allows the

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